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Welcome to
The Little Sherpa Foundation

Building a Brighter Future in the Solukhumbu of Nepal

At The Little Sherpa Foundation, we’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to help Sherpa communities and families who need it most. Read on and contact us to learn how you can help.

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About The Little Sherpa Foundation

Founded in 2015, The Little Sherpa Foundation has been working hard with the help of our supporters and volunteers to deliver funding and charitable services to inspire and improve the lives of those who are most in need.

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Our Projects

Little Sherpa Scotland works to provide quality, long-term solutions for Sherpa communities in Phortse.


Building Projects

Following the devastation of the 2015 earthquake, we have supported numerous rebuilding projects in Phortse for homes, the nursery school, Monastery, Stupa and watermill.

In 2019 we completed the rebuilding of the health clinic providing local families with access to full time nursing care, medicines and visiting doctors.

The rebuilding of the new primary school in Phortse, originally built by Sir Edmund Hillary, was completed in 2022 having been very badly damaged by the 2015 earthquakes.

In 2022 we also completed an ambitious project to bring running water to the village, changing lives forever.

We are already planning new projects which include building poly tunnels to increase the length of the growing season, and adding to the variety of crops that can be grown.  Other initiatives will be to rebuild the community hall and village library.

If you can help with a small donation this would be very much appreciated.


Supporting Education

Providing grants and bursaries for young people to learn and develop skills for the future.
For those at the local Primary School we  provide  computers,  books and other essential materials as well as employing a specialist Sherpa teacher to ensure that Sherpa culture is kept alive through music, language, dance and religion..
We provide bursary support for Secondary School children to attend  and stay at The Sir Edmund Hillary School in neighbouring Kumjung.
We support opportunities for further study at the University in Kathmandu enabling young people to develop the skills, knowledge and experience to reinvest in their local communities.


Health Care

Prior to rebuilding the local Health Clinic, villagers had to make a six hour round trip on foot to access the nearest facility.
Supported by Durham (England) Rotary Club, our earthquake resistant clinic provides a range of  healthcare services with a waiting room and separate treatment room. 
This modern facility has transformed the delivery of medical services for everyone in the community with local access to nurses, doctors and medicines.


Earthquake Relief

We provided materials for temporary shelters, clothing and food in the immediate aftermath of the 2015 earthquakes, and the most vulnerable people in the community continue to need support.

There continues to be a high demand for good quality warm clothing particularly for the young and elderly who are most in need.

We partner with a local Tea House to provide a daily drop in service for elderly people where they can take hot meal and meet together.  For those that are unable to attend we ensure the hot meal is taken to them.


Sherpa Culture

The Sherpa people are a distinct indigenous group with a rich heritage and culture. Preserving local traditions and the way of life is a key priority for those that live in the Khumbu - the Sherpa homeland.

Our film - Sherpas Speak - provides a voice for their concerns as many feel their traditional way of life is under threat.

By sharing stories and experiences of those living and working in the area our aim is to inform, educate and inspire the wider world about this most famous mountain people in a way that sustains their way of life in the modern world.

Nepalese Sherpa Village Exhibition

Based in the Pavilion at Pitlochry Festival Theatre and in the Himalayan section of the garden we will be hosting an exhibition of the life and community in a Nepalese village.

Come and spend an afternoon or evening with our guest speakers, Cameron McNeish, Fiona Valpy and James Lamb as they talk us through their connections with the Himalayas.

Included alongside the talks is our groundbreaking documentary Sherpas Speak - about Sherpa Culture, boasting an original soundtrack by Dougie and Jamie Maclean. Film credits go to double Bafta winners Richard Else and Meg Wicks.



Fundraising remains an essential part of our work.  We visit schools and clubs delivering presentations on our work and our supporters help by selling goods, and running a range of community based fundraising events.
Corporate fundraising continues to be a key activity with talks at major events and exhibitions across the globe.

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Contact Us


Bridge House
Perth Road

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